Maklike Antwoorde op Ongemaklike Vrae


Wat 8 tot 13-jariges moet weet oor hul veranderende liggaam, babas, seks, hul regte en meer. Nikki Bush & Ilze van der Merwe Vandag vra kinders baie vroeër as wat die geval was met hul ouers vrae oor fisiese veranderings tydens puberteit en dinge wat hiermee verband hou. Hulle word vinniger groot en bereik puberteit vroeër as ooit tevore. Tog vermy baie ouers steeds seksopvoeding of ignoreer dit bloot vanweë onkunde of ongemak.
Hierdie boek is die antwoord!
Dit is geskryf vir kinders tussen 8 en 13 in ‘n maklike formaat van vrae en antwoorde met prettige illustrasies. Dis ook vir ouers ‘n onmisbare gids om hul kinders se vrae ingelig, reguit, sensitief en met humor te kan beantwoord.

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About the authors:
Ilze Alberts (also known as van der Merwe) has two children, aged 22 and 24. She is an educational psychologist in private practice with a passion for families. She is a certified The Demartini Method® facilitator. Ilze is well-known for her popular parent workshop, How and When to tell your kids about the Birds and Bees, as well as Powerful Parent Powerful Child among others.
Nikki Bush has two children aged 12 and 16. She is a creative parenting expert, inspirational speaker and author on child and parent development issues. She is passionate about helping parents connect with their children. Nikki is highly regarded among parents and educators alike and is well-known for her many dynamic presentations including Future-proof Your Child©, Parenting on the Run©, Connecting through the Noise & Clutter© and more. Visit for more details.