“There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise”

– W.E.B. Du Bois

I couldn’t say no.

I couldn’t.

Not when there were so many special women saying “Yes!” to an opportunity to grow themselves.

Not when these women were ready to commit to a four-week journey of learning how to live a more inspired, meaningful life.

And so, I have decided to extend my offer to more women.

My online course Circle of women (valued at R7999.00) is now available to more women, completely free of charge!

So, I want to ask you:

  • Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but just haven’t given yourself permission to do it?
  • Do you feel a yearning to make a difference (big or small) but don’t know how to go about it?
  • Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the multiple roles you are juggling as a woman?
  • Are there emotions — guilt, fear, regret — you feel have been holding you back?

If so, then consider joining Circle of Women (beginning the first week of 2022), where I will guide, support, and give you the tools you need to live up to your potential as the strong, resilient, spectacular woman I know you are.

What can you expect to gain from this course?

When you join Circle of Women, you will:

  1. Grow your self-knowledge by discovering what is truly of high priority and importance to you.
  2. Learn how to apply key emotional IQ skills that help you deal with guilt, fear, and challenges.
  3. Develop the five habits of highly effective people
  4. Learn how to design your unique roadmap for the inspiring, on-purpose life you deserve.
  5. Set out do-able action steps to achieve your goals.
  6. Empower yourself by connecting to your deepest desires.
  7. Be part of a tribe of like-minded women.

So, how does Circle of Women work?

  • Every Monday (for four consecutive Mondays), you will receive a 60-minute teaching video plus a set of worksheets from me.
  • You will receive your first set of teaching material on Monday, 03/01/2022.
  • While you will be able to work through the teaching material in your own time, it is important that you do so before the follow-up Q&A and support Zoom meeting.
  • The follow-up Zoom meeting will always be the following Wednesday (the week AFTER you receive your weekly training material.)
  • Every Wednesday (for four consecutive Wednesdays), we will all meet on Zoom from12h00 to 13h00 SAST.
  • The purpose of these follow-up meetings is to share experiences, ask questions, and support each other.
  • The dates of the follow-up meetings:
  1. 05/01/2022
  2. 12/01/2022
  3. 19/01/2022
  4. 26/01/2022
  • You will also be invited to the Circle of Women Facebook group where you are welcome to connect with the other attendees.

This is what previous attendee Amy Kleinhans had to say:

“How wonderful to know that a group of strangers from across the globe could be such great teachers and comfort to one another. I am humbled by the journeys of others and comforted by the thought that I now have a new group of friends I can call on to share my life’s dreams and challenges with. ‘I am because of you’ has taken on a whole new meaning. It has made me braver than I thought I could ever be. I now have a refined roadmap and taking the action steps to get to the master plan of my life, all the way knowing it’s not a destination but a journey. A journey of self-growth, empowerment, and of understanding how important it is to really know myself.”

“I don’t know how to thank the women in this group for being so vulnerable.  As a mother, I soak up every little thing I can learn from other moms/businesswomen, etc…. I think Ilze has created something incredibly special here.”

Adelle Janse van Vuuren

“Absolutely grateful to have been privileged to join this journey with you all. Thank you for everyone’s contributions and for showing up for each other.”

Shofna Aziz

If you are ready to join Circle of Women, then let me know by email (ilze@ilzealberts.com). My admin staff will bring you onboard.

I look forward to journeying with you in the new year.

See you then!

From my heart to yours,


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