“He who buys what he does not need steals from himself.”

– Swedish proverb

If you go back to your earliest “money memory,” you might recall something your parents said or did.

Perhaps you heard things like:

“Money does not grow on trees.”

“We cannot afford it.”

“We don’t have enough money.”

Perhaps you saw how frugal your parents were, buying only the things that were needed and refusing to buy anything more.

Our very first perceptions we have about money, are, after all, shaped by the interactions we have with our parents.

The messages and feelings that arise from these interactions along with the meaning we extract from them form our experiences surrounding money.

These experiences then go on to form money patterns or beliefs which we can either accept (and repeat) or reject.

(If, for example, you thought the perception of “never enough money” felt too restrictive, you may reject it and take the opposing view, choosing to spend money more generously.)

So, what are your money beliefs?

Here are some common household situations that might have influenced your money beliefs:

  • Money was in short supply growing up

If money was tight for your family growing up, you might have often been told “no” when asking for new clothes or toys. As a result, you may either have grown to be:

  1. Adept and saving and curbing unnecessary spending, or
  2. Fearful of money/not having enough money.
  • Your parents bought you everything you wanted as a child

Having your parents buy you the latest clothes or toys might have been wonderful for you as a child, but those experiences can lead to unrealistic expectations for you as an adult.

You might have a certain expectation of what your lifestyle should like but may not have the necessary money knowledge to provide that lifestyle for yourself.

  • Your parents harboured distrust over money and financial institutions

If your parents had a natural distrust of money and often told you things like: “Money is the root of all evil,” or chose to keep money under the mattress instead of a bank account for “safety” purposes, you might also feel distrustful of money and financial institutions.


What is meaningful money?

We all have unfulfilled wishes and dreams. As human beings, if we keep on perceiving something is missing, we feel unfulfilled. It’s

the perception of emptiness, or a void, that becomes the driving force

for us to take some action or perform some service and gives it

priority and importance. Without a perception of the void—the feeling

that something is missing, people often will lack drive.


It’s important for moving forward and for the creative process that

we perceive a void in our lives. The emptiness creates the driving

force and the creative force of innovation. When we become

truly frustrated with our circumstances and know life can be better,

creative forces enter the mind and innovation is born.  Most of life’s

comforts and enhancements were born out of frustration with what is

and the desire to have something better and different.


This is the driving force behind making meaningful money. Recognize the void, make a decision to fill the void, offer a service to receive payment as fair exchange, and make your money work for you.


Whatever your current perceptions are about money, it is always possible to change them to develop a healthier relationship with money.

You CAN challenge money beliefs that keep you fearful, distrustful, and anxious.

And CAN can have the financial security/freedom you deserve.

I am offering a FREE ZOOM WEBINAR, called “Psychology of meaningful money”  to anyone interested to change their relationship with money on Tuesday, 10 August 18h00-19h00 CAT.

If you would love to develop a healthy relationship with money and you want to join the FREE ZOOM WEBINAR , drop me an email at ilze@ilzealberts.com or WhatsApp me. I will add you to the list of attendees.

It is never too late to learn and implement smarter money habits.

From my heart to yours,


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