Do you desire to live an extraordinary year? Then I encourage you to develop the following 5 habits:
Feel inspired by your life and feel you add meaning to the lives of others. Do so through the development of your healthy mind and body. Guard your mind against running away. Nurture the health of your body. Make it your aim to develop mastery of your mind. Focus on the health and vitality of your body and promote the following healthy habits:
Habit 1:
Never ever give up. Be an “I can” person. Unhook the “t” from can’t.” Henry Ford said: “”Whether you say you can, or you say you can’t, you are right.”
Habit 2:
Give yourself permission to do what you love and love what you do. Dedicate your life to it. It does not matter what it is, as long as it is what you enjoy doing and it makes you tap dance through your days. Living your life with joy and meaning contributes to feeling purposeful and fulfilled.
Habit 3:
Live with a vision and purpose. Every person is born with a purpose and a reason for being. It is no secret what your purpose is, as your life, your actions, your decisions are reflections of your purpose. Your purpose becomes more tangible as you translate it into a vision. No matter how big or small you perceive your vision to be, it is uniquely yours, and nobody can have the same vision as you. The world needs everyone’s vision.
Habit 4:
Leave a legacy. Plan your impact you wish to have. Whether you think small or big, it takes up the same time and space in your mind. What is your legacy you want to leave your loved ones, your community, your country, and the world? Think big.
Habit 5:
Master plan your life: Plan how you wish your life to unfold in all areas of life. What about growing your spiritual awareness, your mental power, your vocational service, your financial prosperity, your caring family relationships, your social leadership and impact, and your physical health and vitality? How will your life look like when you are focused on being empowered and inspired in all the areas of your life?
There are 3 powerful steps to master planning your life:
• 1. Have a burning desire.
• 2. Take definite action steps to achieve your burning desire.
• 3. Develop an attitude of gratitude. The more you count your blessing, the more blessings you will get to count.
You are here for your reason, your destiny, your life, and your dreams. Know them. Live them. Be them. Give yourself permission to be authentic and genuine to you, your business and your life. The purpose of your life then takes on a much bigger form. Your inspired, meaningful and fulfilled life is the conduit for every family member and every generation to live fulfilled prosperous, meaningful and impactful lives. Nobody is born to live someone else’s life, dreams or vision.
Every person is born to satisfy their own desires. Hence, the most significant contribution you can make is when YOU LIVE YOUR FULFILLED, MEANINGFUL AND PURPOSEFUL LIFE.
What will your life look like when you are living it with inspiration, meaning, fulfilment, health, and vitality? And what will it look like if you don’t?
Books I read that made a significant impact on me:
1. “Think and grow rich” Napoleon Hill
2. “The values factor” Dr John Demartini
3. “The war of art” Steven Pressfield
4. “The one thing” Gary Keller
5. “How to win friends and influence people” Dale Carnegie
6 “Family Wealth” James E Hughes
7. “The law of success” Napoleon Hill
8. “Self-reliance” Ralph Waldo Emerson
9. “Disrupt yourself” Whitney Johnson
10. “Who moved my cheese” Spencer Johnson
I am Ilze Alberts,
A life strategist and international educator on strategies to a beautiful life.
My work is to show you how to build your personal well-being, financial position, and family relationships.
I am dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be.
I have more than 30 years of experience as a qualified Psychologist, and I am also a Master Demartini Facilitator ™
I love life, and I am looking forward assisting you in creating a beautiful life.