If you have ever looked up to people doing extraordinary things in their lives and thought, “Wow! How do they do it? They obviously have something I don’t,” then you aren’t seeing what I see.

I see a magnificent being full of love and light and infinite potential.

I see an extraordinary individual capable of doing extraordinary things.

So, then what could possibly be holding you back from achieving your goals in rapid succession?

The answer is…MENTAL HABITS.

There are certain mental habits you need to develop to reach your true potential.

And I want to share them with you.

Over the next two weeks, you will find (in your inbox) tips and videos on the 5 Mental Habits that will help you reach your true potential.

(So, keep an eye out for them!)

Let’s begin with Mental Habit #1: Set a goal and connect it to a specific PURPOSE

Remember that a goal is not the same as a purpose. A goal is something you are aiming to achieve (it is an outcome). Purpose is the reason behind the goal (it is the answer to the question: Why do I want to achieve this goal?)

A goal must:

  1. Have personal meaning
  2. Be very specific
  3. Stretch you (it shouldn’t be “too easy” to achieve. It should be big and difficult enough to challenge you, but not so difficult where it becomes almost impossible to achieve.)
  4. Have a due date or date of accomplishment/completion

Once you have set a suitable goal for yourself, keeping the above in mind, it would be helpful to remind yourself of your goal every day.

You can do this by either writing your goal down on a post-it note /piece of paper and putting it somewhere you can see it every day, or by wearing something you would see on a regular basis (a bracelet) as your reminder.

Now, you need to connect your goal to a specific PURPOSE. Your purpose must align with what is of high importance/value to you so that you will be intrinsically inspired to achieve your goal.

Five years ago, I set a specific goal to write a book about the preservation of generational family wealth.

This goal meant something to me personally, because I wanted to find a solution to the problem of family wealth not extending beyond the third generation.

Perhaps you have heard of the proverb “From shirtsleeves-to-shirtsleeves in three generations”?

See, my parents had lost all our family wealth. It was thus impossible to preserve any family wealth beyond them. I saw their pain, disappointment and feelings of failure.

Because of this I became driven to start from scratch, to build my own wealth for my family. And to find a way to preserve that wealth beyond just three generations.

Now, my goal of writing a book on how to preserve generational family wealth really stretched me! I had never written a non-fiction book before!

But I gave myself 12 months to write this book.

And I reminded myself of this goal every single day by writing the name of my book on a piece of paper and placing it somewhere I would see it often.

(I also put down the name of the publishing company I wanted my book to be published by — Wiley and Bloomberg.)

And of course, I connected my goal to a specific purpose: I wanted to give my children a manual on how to preserve the family wealth they would be inheriting so that it could be passed on to multiple generations after them. I wanted this book to teach them the mental, financial, and human behavioural skills required to preserve this wealth.

Do you know what happened?

I achieved my goal!

Passing the Torch: Preserving Family Wealth Beyond the Third Generation was published by Wiley and Bloomberg. www.passingthetorch.co.za


And what a wonderful feeling it is to be able to achieve your goal.

So, if you are interested in learning more about Mental Habit #1: Set a goal and connect it to a specific purpose, then you will find this video most helpful Click Here to Watch the Video

Don’t forget that you are an extraordinary individual capable of doing extraordinary things.

I believe in you.

It’s time for you to believe in you, too.

If you are ready to start doing extraordinary things or maybe live a more inspired life, drop me an email at ilze@ilzealberts.com. We can set up a discovery call (free of charge) to explore the action steps you can take to uncover your true potential. I have a selection of options I can suggest to you.

From my heart to yours,


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